Will home insurance pay for tree removal

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Home insurance policies include several types of coverage, making them difficult for a layperson to understand at first glance. Whenever you purchase your insurance, you should take care to determine exactly what you’re paying for. Extraneous coverage costs you each month on your premium, but if you don’t have enough insurance you may find your home damaged with no means to repair it. By understanding your policy and exactly what it will and won’t pay for, you can make an informed decision about your policy and plan in advance for catastrophes. visit our Website @ http://edcuellar.com/homeowners-insurance-free-home-insurance-quotes/

As a rule, home insurance pays for sudden, accidental or catastrophic damage to the home. This includes weather-related damage from rain, wind, and hail, as well as damage caused by fires, vandalism, broken pipes, and other types of sudden losses. Most policies include exclusions against certain types of losses. For example, you may be required to purchase supplemental flood or earthquake damage if you live in an area prone to that type of loss.Homeowners Insurance san antonio

One very common type of claim filed on home insurance policies is wind damage. Windstorms, hurricanes, and tornadoes can cause immense damage to a home and property; wind tears at shingles and siding, and can also cause damage to the landscaping.

If your home is hit by a windstorm, you may experience damage to the trees on your property. Trees can be very dangerous when they fall. Broken tree limbs can land on structures and vehicles and can cause substantial property damage. If a tree is damaged, it can quickly cause further damage to surrounding structures.Is Damage to Trees Covered Under Insurance?

Most home insurance policies cover for damage to the structure of the house and the homeowner’s personal property, but does not cover the land the house sits on. One partial exception to this rule is trees. If a tree falls and causes damage to a structure, the insurance company will pay for the removal of the tree from the damaged property. Otherwise, the tree removal will usually not be covered.

In other words, if a tree falls on your house, fence, or shed, the home insurance will pay to have the tree removed before further damage occurs to the property. In this situation, the tree removal is considered to be damage mitigation.

If the tree simply falls on the property without causing damage to any other structure, however, the homeowner’s insurance will usually not pay for tree removal, or pay only a very small fee. In this case, it is the homeowner’s duty to dispose of the tree.

Additionally, if your tree falls due to age, rot, or other non-weather related issues, the claim may not be covered even if the tree falls on your structure. If you are negligent in the maintenance of your property and it causes damage to your home, your insurance company may opt to deny your claim.

For this reason, it is very important to check on the health of trees on your property and remove them if they die. This tree removal is considered to be part of your regular home maintenance and cannot be covered under home insurance: Homeowner’s insurance will not pay for preemptive maintenance to a home.

Even if your insurance will pay for tree removal, it’s important to have the tree removed as quickly as possible, if it’s safe to do so. During catastrophic weather events, your insurance company may not be able to send a restoration company to your home to remove trees from your roof or other structures. If you are able to safely remove the tree yourself, or are able to call a company to do that for you, it’s smart to have the tree removed immediately.

Trees can cause further damage the longer they lay on a structure, and can also fall and injure people nearby. If you do removal of your own tree, be sure to save the receipts for the expenses. If you submit this receipt to your insurance company, the expense can be reimbursed to you if the loss is covered.

If your tree falls due to any negligence on your part and causes damage to someone else’s Home or Car, your homeowner’s insurance may pay for damage to the other person’s property. Most home insurance policies include a personal liability portion that pays for damage caused to other property, so that the homeowner cannot be sued for negligence. You cannot be held liable to yourself, however, so you can only use liability insurance to pay for damage to property owned by someone else.
For more Info
More about Tree Removal Services Here @ 1twotreetrimming.com/

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